Tempur Adjustable Beds
Adjustable Beds
When you compare adjustable beds, Tempur is one brand you are likely to come across. This company prides itself on using science to provide the best support and can offer storage space in its beds.
Tempur has tested its mattresses using pressure sensors and a computer technology, finding that they put less pressure on the body than an ordinary spring mattress. The results showed that there were almost no points of significant pressure and none of very high pressure.
Even NASA has given an Award of Recognition to Tempur in May 1998 to acknowledge the technology it uses.
You can select from the Toscana range of Tempura adjustable beds, which allow storage space within the bases. Choose between a shallow or deep divan.
Shallow beds are fixed with feet while the deep ones rest on chrome castors.
You can also choose from a range of Tempur's mattresses and pillows as well as other accessories such as headboards.